We here at FFOS would like to take the time to say that do to circumstances beyond our crew's control our regular lives got in the way of our hobby. Surgeries, personal relationships, existential revelations, data crashes, career changes, geographic migrations, and one really ornery armadillo (R.I.P.) have kept us from running the most ridiculous pirate event on the planet and consequently updating this site.
Historicon 2013 was a huge success. We traveled 3000 miles round trip as a first time contender and for the efforts won two awards. The wonderful people that played in our game, some traveled from as far away as Australia, cast new light on a game we've been running for nearly 5 years now. It was an adventure to say the least. We want to thank each and every one that participated.
Best in Show award 2013 Historicon a top the infamous ships bell. |
"After I captured his ship I made that 7 year old eat his own miniature, just like we did traditionally at the naval academy..." |
Russ and Connie from OLD Glory 25's stopped by to see our game. Old Glory has provided prize support for 4 years. It was great to meet them in person and thank them for their generosity. |
Between Games honorary judge Duke Siegfried awarded us the "Battle Star" a judges choice award. Duke's contributions to the gaming hobby are too numerous to count. |
Dutch Fleet |
Buster "Voodoo" McCall British Governor and after an epic siege mayor of a Dutch colony. |
Thor Governor of the Dutch,French,Dutch,Pirate, Finely British Port |
"Two things you need to know about being Governor. First, It's like totally AWESOME! Second is... is...... It's AWESOME!" |
"We're Dutch! The Trade masters of the 1700's. Think Wal-Mart with Cannons right..." |
"Then The guy says, you can't possibly be louder than the rest of the gamers...." |
Ghostly captain of the "Petit Mort"killed more sailors at sea than boredom; his total over 400 by games end. A record for our game. |
Darby performs the 1972 opening of "Cabaret" |
Captain John stands beside his stowaway a young lady that asked to join our game in later rounds. She was given the role with the condition she never reveal her character's abilities or story to Captain John or swing from the yard arm. |
The Elk Hunt attacks the Ophelia |
Las Bien Horas |
The Stowaway Followed Captain John mimicked his movements for fun; each time he rolled dice she could alter them to his favor. |
Captain Harry and Captain John |
The Naughty-Lass |
The Other Naughty-Lass |
Quarter Master Hobbs our Videographer |
"The Rum's gone....again." |
Jeff , John, and Harry the Pirate scourge of The 1/60th scale Caribbean |
New French Anti-Piracy initiative |
The Sloop E. Seconds |
| |  |
| | "i only chose to play after talking to one of your people who talk so
passionately and excitedly about the Saturday evening game that he sold
me on playing. and I was so keen that I stayed 5 hours longer than I
planed too. He was keen to describe the game and the dressing up and
the general atmosphere of games and how much fun they are. He was
right, these games are a ball."
Mr. Mark Bacon, Australian national | |
| | | | | |
Editors note: Mark was last seen with $500 in Old Glory Ships with the intention of starting the largest Pirate Game in Austrailia
"Bloody bad luck mate, your third ship? Well at least your captain got away right?" |
This Poor scalawag lost three ships to the Kracken, Pirates and a storm... Despite the misfortune he seem to stick with the game. |
The Crew posing with our Cannibal Chief. |
These three Buccaneers manage to some how set themselves on fire and jump between other ships in a blaze that would have made a Viking's funeral seem anti-climactic. |
Old Glory provided a tremendous amount of prize support for this game including several ships and a literal bucket of pirate figures we gave away by the hand full. We and our players thank them for the encouragement and swag they provided. |