Our Game is a Handful.

Our Game is a Handful.

Monday, March 30, 2015

Steve's interview with Terrainaholic

Mid-game Steve speaks with Terrainaholic.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Beast's of War interview

While at Adepticon Beasts of War caught up to us for an interview.

Also catch the reporters' adventure review on the Beasts of War AAR! 

Adepticon, Thank you to the organazation and the Players.

When our crew was originally approached to entertain 80 gamers over a two night period for Adepticon, I was skeptical to our success. My bias founded on my limited familiarity with 40k and War Hammer and Its point based highly competitive tournaments wasn't our style. Let's face it, our rules are little more than guidelines and objective based gaming on this scale can be tedious. 
To our surprise the two ethos of our hobby, War-Gamer and Tabletop-mini-gamer share a love of spectacular terrain, a good laugh and most of all rum.....

About a year ago Hank Edly one of the board member s of Adepticon recruited my crew to present a large, semi-historical event to expand the diversity of the gamer demographic beyond the already successful Sci-Fi/Fantasy attendees. With our presence accompanied by incredible contingents of both Flames of War and Saga, Hank intended to bring a wider verity of interest to this fun convention. 
Mr. Christian gives some brief sailing instructions.

Thor and Nichol 

Our videographer under the table again....

Refs Aimee and Scott

The Captain Christine of the "Elk Hunt"

Governor Collin

"......and then after I break out of the brig I will make them eat their own intestine!"  

"Thank you messenger! please leave my subscription to Asian Fever  on the mantel.."

"Look you can't stay in the British colony unless you kids can perform Hard knock Life"

Governor Buster

Governor Casey

"I told the guy, I ate MRE's. Cannibalism is not a problem"

"Three mice Scott! Three and they're blind, Don't you see?!?"

"Oh, that is disgusting who put that in my treasure box?"

Governor Zack

Ref Steve

"Then I said roll yourself in paprika. The cannibals wont eat you...."

Friday night's winners of the "Letter of Marque" Award. Captaining the Junk of "Sum Yung Gui"
Friday night's winners of the "Piece of Eight" judges choice award. These cannibals really know how to pack in the meat.
These Gents' received Friday's "No Manner of Luck at All" award by popular vote. After a disastrous career  on the high seas they have since formed a colony on Roanoke Island, good luck to them in their new endeavors. 
This sailor not only scoffs at the perils of the high seas, he actively throws himself  into them. Plague, storms, ghost ships, cannibals, Sea Monsters........ he received the "No Manner of Luck at All" award on Saturday night.    
These are absolutely the hardest working men in the Caribbean. Taking the Judges choice award "Piece of Eight" on Saturday evening they acquired a fortune in land holdings totaling 2700 acres in the new world. Only missing first place by 100 points.
Our final winners of the "Letter of Marque" took first place by a narrow 100 points at 2800 in buried loot. It was a consolidated effort from two ships who's crews after mutiny forced them to abandon ship and make off with the cursed Mayan treasure. The first record of budgetary down sizing in the Caribbean .